Ranks can be achieved on Comet Freebuild through, you guessed it! Building! We use a rubric that takes into account the Creativity, Appeal, Detail, and Scale of your build, which leaves our staff with a score between 1 and 10, with 1 being the worst, and 10 being the best possible.
F - The build is completely unoriginal or stolen from another user. Has been done many times before.
D - The build is completely unoriginal, however there are a few noticable changes.
C - The build has been done many times before however there are a lot of noticable changes.
B - The build is somewhat unique and isn't built often.
A - The build is unique.
F - The build is unattractive and not appealing at all.
D - The build is unattractive and has very little appeal.
C - The build is somewhat unattractive and has little appeal.
B - The build is somewhat attractive and appealing.
A - The build is very attractive and appealing.
F - The build has absolutely no detail.
D - The build presents very little detail.
C - The build has some detail.
B - The build has a lot of detail.
A - The build is extremely detailed.
Content ( Size )
F - The build has very little.
D - The build has little content.
C - The build has some content.
B - The build has a very large amount of content.
A - The build has an extreme amount of content.
“An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.”
— Edwin Land
How to Get: This is the rank you get by default on the server.
Commands: /i, /tpa, /tpahere, /tpaccept, /tpdeny, /back, /playtime, /discord, /emojis, /ptime, /fly, /spawn, /gamemode, /warp, /msg, /realname, /home (can set 3), /sethome, /afk, /music, /nv, /trash, and Random Teleport up to 2500 blocks.
How to Get: Build something that scores at least a 6.0 on the scale.
Commands: /nick, /enchant, /enderchest, /top, /hat, /home (can set 6), Random Teleport up to 5000 blocks, colored chat, access to /heads GUI, and all commands from Builder.
How to Get: Build something that scores at least a 8.0 on the scale.
Commands: /speed, /tppos, /god, /heal, /repair, /feed, /home (can set 12), /tree, /bigtree, Random Teleport up to 7500 blocks, and all commands from Builder+ and Builder.
How to Get: Build something that scores at least a 9.0 on the scale.
Commands: WorldEdit Access (40,000 Block Limit), Access to All Blocks, /unlimited, Place Particles, /home (can set Infinite), /skull, /trails, Random Teleport up to 10,000 blocks, /invsee (No Modification) and all commands from Pro Builder, Builder+ and Builder.
How to Get: Build something that scores a perfect 10.0 on the scale.
Commands: Access to SignEdit, Bypass Chat and Command Filters, /setwarp, /tp, 80,000 Block Limit on WorldEdit, /tomap, /disguise, and Beta Access.